The Miracle Centre Cathedral - My Church


A wonder in itself, the state of the art miracle center cathedral is situated in Kampala Uganda. It’s the biggest church auditorium in East and Central Africa seating 10,500 people. Built in the valley, the glass cathedral fills up every weekend with people who turn up for services.

MiracleServices The cathedral runs five (5) services every weekend, one service on Saturday at 5:30pm and four services on Sunday at 8:30 am, 10:30, 12:30pm and 5:30pm plus a midweek service on Wednesday at 5:30pm. Up to 2000 University students attend the Saturday service. Our kids church (Sunday school) has over 1500 children in attendance every Sunday. Over 20,000 people attend our service every week. Our services are anointed and power parked with miracles, signs and wonders in every service. The worship is explosive with gripping Music, thunderous praise and you won’t want to miss an inspirational message from pastor Robert Kayanja.

Musicians You can’t afford to miss the miracle cathedral music ministry from the mass choir1, miracle teens, rivers of life choir; youth worship team and many more others. Hundreds get saved every week in these services.

MiracleBuses Miracle center cathedral is the first and only church to date in the whole world that owns double Decker buses the likes you find in London; people ride these buses free to and from the cathedral.

Non-believers like Moslems who would otherwise never be attracted to church, enter them for rides and end up at the cathedral. The gospel of Jesus is then preached to them and usually they surrender to Jesus. Glory to God and thanks to you our partners who have made it possible through your giving and every support you give to the ministry. These buses are now over loaded so we need more buses if we are to meet the demand upon the presence of God in the Miracle Valley.

Ministering Love In A Hurting World.


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©2005 Andrew E. Mwesigwa